“There is nothing like the community of musicians that exists in Concord. Their love of their community, support of each other, and love of live music is unmatched statewide.”

—Lucas Gallo, Homegrown Stage Coordinator

Free Music Isn’t Free.

Every year, Market Days has a full three-day lineup of incredibly talented and community-oriented local musicians. Some of our incredible sponsors help us compensate a selection of these performers (thank you to Walker Lecture Series, Sulloway & Hollies, and the Capitol Center for the Arts!), but many play music for their community for three days for FREE. They have never complained or requested compensation and they have always been more than willing, and happy, to bring their talent, amazing songwriting skills, musicianship, and love of the Concord community to the stage each summer.

Being a local musician is more than just playing music. It’s hours and hours of practice, rehearsal, and honing your craft to play the best you can each night. It’s lugging tons of music gear up and down stairs, in and out of crowds, night after night and week after week for not always the best pay (starving musician is not just hyperbole!). It’s spending hours sending emails in the hopes of landing a gig or two.

In order to recognize the value of these amazing musicians who have been playing for a decade for free every year, we are asking for your help in raising money to pay them. Anything you can do will help!

Thank you for your time, consideration, and support of this great community we get to call ours. Go see live LOCAL music!

In 2023, Intown Concord was awarded an Arts and Community Engagement grant by the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts to support our performers. Read the complete Press Release HERE

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You can send your donation to @intownconcord